
Forecast: wind around 30 knots, gusting 40. So of course we went fishing. The amazing thing is we even caught fish. Even more amazing was that after being buffeted by winds for a couple of hours the fish-mad Saints STOPPED fishing and instead sat in a sheltered spot cooking what had been caught, yakking and drinking beer. Wise move. The day ended on a moment of high drama when Freezy got spiked by one of the poisonous spines of a stone fish (locally called gurnard, and good eating). He's a pretty hard guy and doesn't say much so when he stated "that hurts" we knew he was in pain. The stories then started about people screaming in agony after being stung and peeing on the wound to try and stop the pain. Freezy resisted the temptation but did take himself to the hospital when we got back to Jamestown

A sepia mood for photographs today. From left the diehard fishermen Freezy and Chrissy and then the beer drinking spectators, Sam, Simon, Eddy

wind-flattened sea

Simon trying to cast into the wind

End of the day fry up and beers in a sheltered nook

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