So what are we doing here (Part 1: High Peak)

High Peak is one of the main sites we are working. Here there is one of the last fragments of cloud forest on St Helena which is home to many threatened plants and invertebrates. Unfortunately it is ridiculously small, and getting smaller all the time due encroachment by exotic plants. We are weeding (often by hand) selected troublesome weeds and replanting with lots of endemic plants

High Peak. The good bits are the dark areas towards the top. Most of the rest is grass and NZ's own flax
A closer view of a remnant cabbage tree woodland (the "Dell") on High Peak. One of the best patches remaining on the island and also one of the last places where the spiky yellow woodlouse is found (more on these beasties later - hopefully!)
Volunteers planting endemics at High Peak during a recent open day. Checkout the contrast between the green highlands and the arid coastal zone

Some Saints planting endemics

Young Saints planting in a dense grove of the hybrid "rebony" Trochetiopsis x benjamini (T. ebenus cross with T. erythroxylon)

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